Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins in the most convenient form of assimilation. In addition to nutrition, breast milk has a number of critical functions. Breast milk contains hormones, growth factors, special proteins that carry vitamins and microelements, and a whole range of protective factors. If you have to start bottle-feeding, then you have to use only specialized baby food products – formulas that are close in composition to breast milk. Under no circumstances should you give your baby cow milk in the first months of life, it can be dangerous to its health.
Cow milk is difficult for a baby to digest and can lead to different issues. Besides, it overloads the kidneys of the child, which predisposes to kidney diseases in the future. Give preferences to highly adapted baby formulas. They are the closest to breast milk, which means they contain every needed nutrition for the full body and mental development of your little one. Let’s take a quick guide on how to properly select the closest formula to breast milk.
Look at the composition
Avoid starch, sugar, or preservatives in composition, but select those with Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as basic nucleotides and prebiotics which are very necessary. They support physical and strengthen mental development and provide the correct process of digesting food. Do not be scared if there is palm oil, in composition cause despite all the myths, it is permissible. Not so long ago, formulas with probiotics appeared e.g. HiPP combiotik formula which helps keep healthy gut bacteria growing and strengthens the immune system.
Additional packaging labels
If you notice words such as “comfort” and so on, then focus on them. If there are problems with stool and burping, then the “comfort” formula will normalize the necessary processes. An “iron fortification” label means that the formula is made to protect children from anemia having in the composition vitamin C which improves iron absorption.
The child’s reaction
It is better to watch your child’s reaction carefully when you start bottle-feeding. Small difficulties are acceptable as the organism has to adapt, but allergies will be the wake-up call. In such a case, you should urgently visit your pediatrician and stop using the formulas that provoke a reaction. Plus you should rely on trusted manufacturers because they will not risk their reputation being in the market for a long time. Therefore, avoid unknown companies, even if the formulas are cheaper or someone recommends you.
Pay attention to the numbers indicated on the package, where number 1 means from birth to 6 months, 2 – from six months to 12 months, and 3 – from a year and older. For example, Holle organic formula has a wide selection of formulas for kids from birth to 3 years old. These are milk formulas, cereals, mashed potatoes from fruits and vegetables, as well as biscuits, crackers, and tea.
Goat milk infant formula
This type of baby food has already gained great popularity. This is due to the theory that goat milk is assimilated by an immature child organism more easily than a cow’s. In terms of its properties, goat milk is equal to breast milk. Besides, it is also suitable for newborns who have an allergic predisposition to cow milk protein.
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