In everything in life, there is a mental aspect as well as a physical aspect that are attributed to the same activity. A very famous example of this is Tiger Woods who said that every shot he takes he plans in his mind’s eye. He visualises where he wants the ball to go so that the movements of his body align with what he is envisioning.
The job of a life coach is to coach their clients through their lives. They apply tried-and-tested techniques to what their client is experiencing in an effort to help them to achieve their goals and aspirations for their life.
Is life coaching the same as psychotherapy?
We often get asked the question is life coaching is the same as psychotherapy. The goal of psychotherapy is for the patient to come up with the solutions, to what they’re feeling, by themselves. This is because it is thought that a solution that a patient comes up with, on their own, is more sustainable. There is no particular goal but to fix a problem which the patient is feeling. A therapist is also an allied medical professional who is part of the health professionals board.
With life coaching, the client already has certain goals in mind that they want to achieve, however, for some reason, they find that they are not able to get where they are going owing to some obstacle of sorts in their mind. As we’ve said before, the life coach will use a number of techniques to help the client rid themselves of these blockages. While with therapy, the solutions come from the client, in life coaching, the life coach is actively involved in developing the answer for the client.
Life coaches, on the other hand, are not medical professionals but are highly skilled in the art and science of what they do daily.
The interdependence of life coaching and therapy
Often life coaching exists side by side with psychotherapy as people will go to a psychologist to help them find out why they are experiencing negative feelings and the like and to assist them with developing goals. The life coach will come in and help the client take those goals which were developed in therapy and see them achieved.
The benefits of life coaching
If you have a set of outcomes that you want to achieve in your life, and you know the path that you must travel in order to arrive at these outcomes – but for some reason, something is blocking you on your way – a life coach will help you to achieve your goals
Say, for instance, that you want to ask for a raise from your boss but can’t get up the courage to sit him down and actually make the request. Perhaps you fear that your job may be in jeopardy if you do? Maybe you worry that he won’t feel that you’re deserving of the raise which will dampen your confidence? If you’re having these types of emotions, a life coach will help you to work through them and to achieve your goal of asking your boss for a raise.
So, to get back to the question of how you will benefit from life coaching. You will benefit from life coaching as a life coach will help to make you more focused and goal-orientated so that you can derive fulfilment from life. A life coach will help you to find your voice and enunciate what you want so that you can fulfil your purpose in life no matter if it is fitness, relationships or overall balance in your life.
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