If you plan on attending the Carbondale solar eclipse, simply continue reading to discover a list of must pack items, that are well worth picking up before the 2024 Carbondale solar eclipse.
What to pack for a trip to view the Carbondale solar eclipse:
A pair of Carbondale eclipse glasses:
As it’s extremely dangerous to glance directly at a solar eclipse, it’s essential to purchase a pair of solar eclipse glasses. Which will be even more effective at protecting your eyes than sunglasses. As a bonus you’ll be able to keep the solar eclipse glasses which you purchase a souvenir of your once in a lifetime experience.
A stainless steel flask to store your water:
As tens of thousands of locals and tourists are set to descend on Carbondale in order to view the 2024 solar eclipse, you’ll have to arrive at your chosen viewing area, well in advance of the 1.59 pm start time. Especially if you plan on taking part of the Carbondale solar eclipse celebrations which are set to take place at the Southern Illinois University.
In order to ensure that you stay hydrated while waiting for the solar eclipse to take part at around 1.59 pm, it’s a great idea to pack a high quality stainless steel flask, which you’ll be able to store cold water. Which will keep you hydrated throughout the day. Especially as you may have to contend with large crowds for much of the day.
A comfortable lawn chair:
If you plan on driving to Carbondale, you’ll be able to pack lawn chairs for everyone in your group. So that you’ll be able to remain comfortable, while you wait for the big event, the 2024 solar eclipse.
A seat pad:
If you’re flying to Carbondale and are unable to pack a large lawn chair, you may want to opt to pack a soft seat pad, which you’ll be able to sit on, while you wait for the solar eclipse. If you don’t own a seat pad it’s a good idea to search for a seat pad at a sporting store or a camping store.
A few of your favorite snacks:
While you shouldn’t have any trouble finding food vendors to purchase food from if you opt to watch the solar eclipse from the Southern Illinois University, which is set to feature a variety of food trucks and stalls, it’s still a wise idea to pack a few of your favorite snacks.
While you won’t get sunburnt during a solar eclipse, as the Carbondale solar eclipse will take place in summer, it’s a wise idea to ensure that you have sunscreen on hand to ensure that you don’t get sun burnt while you’re waiting for the solar eclipse. If possible opt for a sunscreen which offers a high SPF rating, to ensure that your skin is well protected from the sun’s harsh rays.
Your smart phone or a professional SLS camera:
While you won’t want to spend all four minutes of the upcoming solar eclipse taking photos on your smart phone or camera, it’s still a wise idea to take a quick photo or two of the monumental event which you’ll experience first hand.
So if you plan on attending the 2024 Carbondale solar eclipse, it’s well worth ensuring that you pick up all of the items which have been conveniently listed above.
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